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Introducing the Battle of the Breeze

For weeks, our community has been shaken by contentious debate about a controversial new feature. We've finally decided to settle things the proper way... on the golf course! 🏌️

Just over six weeks ago, we announced the introduction of Wind Jitter, a feature that makes course winds dynamic in order to better mimic real world conditions. As with any new feature, we knew that some players would love it while others wouldn't. But we never could have predicted what happened next.

Some players insist Wind Jitter is a new frontier, making the game more realistic and providing a great challenge that pushes even the best Ultimate Golfers to their limits. Others fiercely disagree, contending that unpredictable winds removed the need for precise calculations when lining up shots, and changed the game from one of skill to merely one of chance.

Today, Jitter or No Jitter ranks among the great rivalries of the modern age: Yankees or Red Sox, Mac or PC, Britney or Christina. While many of these debates may never have a conclusive answer, this Friday (June 2), we're letting you settle the epic Jitter or No Jitter saga, once and for all.

HOW IT WILL WORK: In the Battle of the Breeze, you choose which setting you prefer. To participate, enter a Promo Code to unlock the tournament you prefer—the one with Wind Jitter ON, or the one with Wind Jitter OFF.

⛳ Enter Promo Code JITTER to enter a tournament where the wind arrow will sway while you take your shots.

⛳ Enter Promo Code NOJITTER to enter a tournament where the wind arrow will remain static.

⛳ You must enter your code of choice by 11:00 PM ET to enter, and you only get to enter one tournament, so choose wisely. To enter your code, tap the megaphone button on the game's home screen, then tap "ENTER PROMO CODE", found under REWARDS.

But it doesn’t end there!

The top 25 finishers from Friday’s tournaments will earn entry into this weekend's Battle of the Breeze Finals. The Finals will be 2 rounds on the exact same course with cumulative scoring. The only difference between the rounds? One will have Wind Jitter and the other will not. By pitting the best of the Jitter fans against the best of the Jitter haters on a perfectly even playing field, we will finally determine which side has the strongest golfers!

Prizes will be awarded at the completion of Friday’s tournament, as well as at the completion of the Weekend Battle.

May you wind up wherever the wind takes you!

TLDR: Enter either promo code JITTER or NOJITTER to choose your side and compete for a chance to rep your side in the Battle of the Breeze Finals! 🌬️🏆🏌️

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